impACT Beirut Pop-up

February 27, 2018

About the Event

The impACT Beirut Popup Event took place on the 27th of February 2018 building onto the success of impACT Kabul and impACT Berlin. impACT paves the way for concrete and sustainable actions, which have a lasting impact beyond the international conference! impACT aims at featuring a positive image of fragile states to help to attract foreign investors providing them with first-hand information on the business market in fragile contexts. Additionally, it supports startups and social entrepreneurs in providing sustainable and homegrown solutions to cross-border issues.


  • 09:00:00:


  • 10:00:00:

    Networking & Art

  • 11:00:00:

    Introduction to impACT

  • 12:00:00:


  • 13:00:00:

    Power Talks

  • 14:00:00:

    Story Telling

  • 15:00:00:

    Panel Discussion


Bliss Street Beirut

Event in Photos

Event in Video


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