impACT Kabul Chat

November 12, 2023 @ 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm UTC+0

About the Event

impACT Chat is a new #event format that impACT organizes to promote social system change through #entrepreneurship. The launch was in our birthplace: #Kabul This fireside chat with an established social entrepreneur will explore how the elements of #success (Knowledge, Resources, and Networks) has helped them to achieve success in social enterprise. Setting this event apart from other similar events are the actionable steps that the audience can take at the end, the Top Three #Action Steps towards solving a particular issue that the entrepreneur tackles. This event inspires, connected, and educated audience on social entrepreneurship topics.


  • 14:00:00:


  • 14:30:00:


  • 15:15:00:


  • 16:00:00:

    Q & A


Street 4, Qalae Fatullah

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