impACT Mazar Pop-up

April 15, 2020 @ 8:00 am - 5:00 pm UTC+0

About the Event

impACT lunched in Mazar on 18 July 2019 by organizing impACT Mazar e Sharif Pop-Up event. Mazar is a city in the north of the birth country of #impACTheworld Afghanistan which is famous for its historical and cultural heritages. Mazar is also known for its adaptation of Rumi culture and is the origination for the popular Rumi driven Sama Dance.

Over 150 participants including youth, potential entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, and scholars attended the event. 3 power talks were delivered by Jaivd Ahmad Gulistan founder of E-Talks, Sayed Murtaza Hashimi and Mr. Aryan Mahfooz. There was a panel on the importance of Knowledge, Network, and Resources as ingredients of success.

The event had two parts of art exhibition, first, a photo exhibition showcasing the handwork of Mazar artisans and the second was the popular Rumi Dance (Dance of Sama).


  • 13:30:00:


  • 14:00:00:

    Networking & Art

  • 14:30:00:

    Introduction to impACT

  • 14:40:00:

    Power Talks

  • 15:15:00:

    Story Telling

  • 15:30:00:

    Panel Discussion

  • 16:00:00:

    Sama Dance


Event in Photos

Event in Video


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